CME Scoreboard |
Prediction for CME (2021-08-27T00:24:00-CME-001)CME Observed Time: 2021-08-27T00:24ZiSWAS Layout URL: CME Note: Faint CME seen SE in C2 and later in the W in COR2A, front is too faint to be seen in C3. Source is an eruption in AR 2860 seen at 2021-08-26T23:30Z in AIA 193 (followed by a filament eruption seen in AIA 304). CME was not detected at Earth. Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters due to CME: ---- Predicted Arrival Time: 2021-08-31T04:59Z (-9.0h, +9.0h) Prediction Method: EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Prediction Method Note: % Compiled module: EAM_V2. ****************************************************************************** Most pr. speed = 298.0 km/s The EAM version you are running is: v2 u_r = 347.562 Acceleration: 0.361255 Duration in seconds: 362154.04 Duration in days: 4.1915977 t2 is negative ************************************************************************************** Acceleration of the CME: 0.36 m/s^2 Velocity of the CME at 1 AU: 478.4 km/s Expected date and time for the arrival of the CME: 31/08/2021 Time: 04:59 UTLead Time: 45.98 hour(s) Difference: ----- Prediction submitted by Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) on 2021-08-29T07:00Z |
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